Public classes





Introduction page

Derived from AbsSDCommand

Command to scroll text to/on display.

Note that scrolling may act weirdly or scrolling text may jump multiple digits if display have colons enabled, since text can't be positioned freely to any position in display like that.


public enum MethodsList of methods how text is scrolling.


public ScrollTextCommand (string text, Methods method, float charactersPerSecond)Create new text command that will scroll text on to display.


public enum Methods

List of methods how text is scrolling.

ItemsStartOutsideMoveLeftUntilOutDefault passing scroll. Text will not initially be on display but appear from right side, moving left and continue until it have completely left the display.
 StartOutsideMoveLeftUntilLeftAlignedText will not initially be on display but appear from right side, moving left until first character of text have reached left side of the display.
 StartLeftAlignedMoveLeftUntilOutText will start from display and move left until it have completely left the display.
 StartLeftAlignedMoveLeftUntilRightAlignedText will start from display and move left until last character of text is on right side of display. For this to make sense, text have to be longer than what display can hold.
 StartOutsideMoveRightUntilOutText will not initially be on display but appear from left side, moving right and continue until it have completely left the display.
 StartOutsideMoveRightUntilRightAlignedText will not initially be on display but appear from left side, moving right until last character of text have reached right side of the display.
 StartRightAlignedMoveRightUntilOutText will start from display and move right until it have completely left the display.
 StartRightAlignedMoveRightUntilLeftAlignedText will start from display and move right until first character of text is on left side of display. For this to make sense, text have to be longer than what display can hold.


public ScrollTextCommand (string text, Methods method, float charactersPerSecond)

Create new text command that will scroll text on to display.

ParameterstextText to scroll on display.
 methodMethod how to scroll text, one of the enum Methods.
 charactersPerSecondSpeed of scrolling text.